To Promote, Propagate and advance the science of Alternative medicine such as Biochemic, Electro Homeopathy, Massage therapy, Yoga, Homeopathic, Chromo therapy, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Diet & Nutrition Therapy, Integrated Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Pyramid Healing, Naturopathy, AromaTherapy, Feng shui, sujok Therapy,Reiki Healing, Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Medicinal Herbalism, Gem Therapy, medical Astrology, Spiritual healing, Iridology Science Tribal medicine, Shiatsu therapy, Meditation therapy, Crystal healing, Osteopathy medicine, Sport medicine, Urine Therapy, Hydro therapy, Tele Therapy, Indigenous Allopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopuncture Therapy, Music Therapy etc…. and to raise the status of Alternative system of medicines.
Provide Alternative Medical Education opportunities to all persons belonging to the backward and weaker section of society as well as intending students who can not accommodate in Institution of medical learning to Socio-economic conditions and other linitation.
Promote equaling of opportunity for education in various Alternative Medical courses for a large segment of the population including those who are in employment, women including house wife’s, people specially in remote areas as well as adultsHomoeopathy Treatment who wish to upgrade their knowledge relating to Alternative Medical education.
The council renders the activities in the form of free clinic and camps as well as through collaboration with leading medical & social welfare organization.
Since its inspection, attempts are on going by the council to procure for Alternative Medicines its due recognition and status through representation to the Government and Authorities stressing the importance of this country.
The council organizes the State level, International & National conference, convocation, seminars, Exhibition and work-shops for the development of Alternative Medical science.
The council gives different awards for the performance in Alternative Medical science, Education, Games & Sports, Bakvery and social services in the country & abroad.
The council publishes a monthly medical journal & Magazine.
The particulars of the practioners under this council are send to the all state Government in India & foreign ministry through our directly for facilitating their practice to make free from administrative disturbance.
A Hospital to be opened by council is giving treatment to the People.
The council organizes free treatment camps in Rural & Urban area, blood donation campus, Child immunization camps, health seminar, health conference and annual cultural programme
Affiliation of centres in the various part of our country and abroad to popularizes and impliment the activities of the council & exchange of ideas & information’s.
Registration (RMP) to unregistered Alternative medicine Praactioner.