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Alternative Medical Council Orissa
Alternative Medical Council Orissa
(An Autonomous Body for Research
& Development Of Alternative Medicine under Learning Programme)
Natural & Traditional Healing Power
Registered by the Government Regn No-22729/319 of 2007-08
Established under World Health Organization, Alma Ata U.S.S.R declaration 1962,
Recognised by : THE UNITED NATIONS PEACE UNIVERSITY constituted under resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/80
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ISO 10002:2018
ISO 10002:2018
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015
UDYAM Registration Certificate
UDYAM Registration Certificate
Certificate of Registration
Certificate of Registration
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Our Courses:

Acupressure  C.A.T  D.A.T   Acupuncture  B.Acu    Alternative Medicine  R.M.P (A. M)    Aromatherapy  C.A.T.S  D.A.T.S   Bach flower  C.B.F.R  D.B.F.R   Biochemic  R.M.P (Bio)    Crystal Healing  D.C.H    Electro Homeopathy  C.E.H.M  D.E.H.M  R.M.P (E. H)  Family Welfare and Population Education  D.F.W.& P.E    Gem Therapy  C.G.C.H  D.G.T   Health and Beauty Care  C.H.B.C  D.H.B.C   Holistic Health Science  C.H.H.S  D.H.H.S   Home Nursing  D.H.N    Hygiene and Sanitation  D.H.S    Integrated Medicine  C.I.M.S  D.I.M   Iridology Science  D.I.S    Magnet Therapy  C.M.T  D.M.T   Massage  D.M.T  E.M.T   Medical Astrology  D.M.A.S    Medical Herbalism  C.M.H.S    Medical Radiographic (X-Ray)  D.M.R.T    Meditation Theraphy  D.M.T    Nutrition and Diet Theraphy  C.D.M.T  D.D.N   Osteropathy Medicines  D.O.M    Pranic Healing  D.P.H    Pyramid Heal  C.P.H    Reflexology  C.R.T  D.R.T   Reiki Healing  C.R.H    Reiki Theraphy  D.R.H    Shiatsu Theraphy  D.S.T    Sports Medicines  D.S.M    Spritual Healing  D.S.H    Sujok Therapy  C.S.T  D.S.T   Traditional Chinese Medicine  C.C.T.M  D.C.T.M   Tribal Medicine  D.T.M    Urine Theraphy  D.U.T    Yoga  C.Y.M.T    Yoga & Massage  D.Y.M.T    

About AMCO:

The Alternative Medical Council Orissa is the foremost organization in the field of Alternative Medicine registered by the govt, which recognized by affiliated to the U.N.PEACE UNIVERSITY, established under U.N.Resolution no. 35/55/5/XII1/80 and Duly accepted by the govt. of India on 03.12.1981.

The AMCO , also affiliciated to the OPEN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOR COMPLEMENTARY EDICINES (Medicina Alternative) established as per the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO) Alma Ata, U, S, S, R declaration 1962.

The world health organization has declared health for all by the year 2000A.D.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social Yogawell being. To achieve the goal health for all by the year 2000A.D. AMCO has introduced different medical and paramedical courses in this alternative system of medicine. The foundation of AMCO is based upon the philosophy of the "Natural & Traditional healing power". The spirit which is responsible for the different manifestations of life is vital force or vital energy or healing energy which is in the body & mind. In the healthy condition vital force a vital energy or healing energy. Which maintains normal functions and sensation of the organism But when this force or healing energy is primarily dynamic damaged by some morbilic dynamic influence, it causes abnormal sensation and function. To active vital force or healing energy is dynamic in nature and can activate by the dynamic power of serviceable medicine.

Our courses, health care services and entire activities are aimed to attain this Thanking each & every person for choosing alternative medical therapies which is becoming more and more popular throughout the world.

Natural & Traditional medicines respond directly to the third world's need for psychological health and physical well being .Natural &Traditional medicine are safety and effectiveness of the proposed treatment &Therapy.Sefety means does not harm and effectiveness is the likelihood of benefit from that treatment or therapy applied bunder typical conditions.

During the World Health Organization's Alma Ata meeting in U, S, S, R in 1962, the first step was taken to recognize Alternative Medicine by forming the Medicina Alternativa Institute.

In 1977, the 30th World Health Organization (WHO) Assembly adopted a historic resolution urging interested government to give a adequate importance to the utilization of their tradional system of medicine with appropriate regulations to suit their rational health need Both developing and developed countries have ,thereafter, displayed greater interest and awareness in using traditional and indigenous health care resources in the Implementation of their national health programmes.. Immediately in the 1977 WHO resolution a world wide promotional effort for traditional and natural medicines was launched. The success of this promotion may be measured by the growing interest in these disciplines among many successful practioners.The AMCO has been founded for the propose of teaching the various alternative therapies through our affiliated centers.

Good health is the basis of human life's vitality and happiness from the remote past of human civilization alternative medicine has been considered to be more effective &less expensible system of treatment .it is a legal as right to all of health consumers to get a close look about the background ,qualification and competance of the practioner to whom they seek treatment ,we provide the basic information regarding the registration number ,address and all other related details about our enlisted practioners through our website (amco-india.Com) .it helps to curve the proliferation of unauthorized and unregistered practioner's practice. We trust as a result of your enquiry of this website you will decide to enroll with us and join the ever growing role of well-wisher, If you have any questions, please contact or write to us.

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