Cosmetic acupuncture, also referred to as facial acupuncture, is acupuncture that focuses specifically on an aesthetic condition of the patient, usually concerning the face.
Like traditional acupuncture, it involves strategically inserting ultra-thin, sterilized needles into different areas of the skin with the aim of stimulating blood flow and balancing the body's Qi (which, when translated, means "vital energy" in Traditional Chinese Medicine).
Though the complexion is typically the target area for results, the process utilizes acupuncture points around the face and body. While clinical studies that speak to its specific
cosmetic benefits may be lacking, it has grown increasingly popular with traditional acupuncture clients, and dermatologists and acupuncturists alike have spoken to its potential positive effects.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. Acupuncture techniques as well as a variety of Chinese medical treatments and Chinese
herbal supplements are used to erase years off of your face.
Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-invasive treatment that involves using acupuncture to improve skin and fight the aging process. Sometimes referred to as an "acupuncture facelift" or "facial rejuvenation," cosmetic acupuncture often is used as an alternative to surgical facelifts and other conventional procedures said to reverse signs of aging in the skin.
Proponents claim that cosmetic acupuncture can help reduce wrinkles, diminish fine lines, remove age spots, and lift droopy eyelids. Most courses of cosmetic acupuncture treatment involve 10 or more sessions, as well as additional sessions for maintenance of results.