Homeopuncture is a methodology by which the specific homeopathic remedy is placed directly in the tissue by first dipping an acupuncture needle in the remedy & then puncturing at the specific points.
Homeopuncture has the following advantages:
1) Normally in homeopathy, the remedy is placed under the tongue (liquid) or swallowed as a tablet. But in homeopuncture the remedy is placed directly in the tissue. The saliva and other oral barriers are avoided (bypassed).
2) Action is direct and immediate.
3) The complementary action of acupuncture therapy helps to enhance the cure.
No two patients with headache require the same medicine. Each one's headache has its own peculiar symptoms and therefore its own remedies, e.g. headache from dental amalgam, use Mercurius solubis 30C.
One major advantage of homeopathy is its safety. While its medicines are powerful in action working with the body's own defense, their actual measurable strength is too low to give rise to the undesirable side effects that many modern drugs produce in orthodox medicine.