Magnetic therapy refers to applying magnets to the body as a means of bringing about any sort of physiological change.
Static field magnetic therapy is the most well-known form of biomagnetic therapy. It involves placing magnets in contact with the skin and has led to the production of magnetic bracelets, jewelry, and special mattress pads. Electromagnetic therapy uses electrically charged therapeutic magnets, which form an electromagnetic field.
Theories behind magnetic therapy cite the way that molecules have their own small magnetic fields created by the small electric charge inherent to these molecules.
Certain conditions may cause imbalances in this magnetic field. By applying magnetic therapy, you may be able to reharmonize the body’s electromagnetic field and improve your health.
Alternately, molecules carry charged ions, like calcium and potassium, that are necessary for proper signaling and communication between cells. The use of a magnetic
therapy device may alter the way that these ions operate, potentially boosting certain biological functions.
Therapeutic magnets can solve a large amount of pathologies and pains. For example; arthritis, tendonitis, fatigue, cervical spondylosis, migraine, low back pain, bad sleep, edema, cicatrisation…
The use of magnetic therapy, using therapeutic magnet, exceeds alternative medicine. Indeed, healthcare experts, rheumatologists, doctors, and kinesiologists have understood the beneficial aspects of using therapeutic magnets in curing pain. In particular arthritis, a rheumatic disease that affects a wide range of the population of all ages.
Arthritis is the most common form of rheumatism. Arthritis is a disease that affects your joints causing a degeneration (breakdown).It can also affect the synovial joints, ligaments and tendons.Arthritis usually involves pain, stiffness, tenderness and a reduction of the functional abilities. It can affects any articulation : The thumb (called rhizarthrosis),
the knee also called gonarthrosis, the hip (coxarthrosis), and also the lumbar (lumbar arthritis), the cervical (cervical spondylosis)…
The treatment of arthritis was, until very recently, under the prescription of pain relief and/or anti inflammatory, but the use of non steroid anti inflammatory is often
limited by gastro-intestinal, cardiac and renal event effects, in particular for elderly people that are already under multiple medications.
Therapeutic magnets are then a very interesting non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical method, particularly due to its efficiency and its safe use.